Friday, October 13, 2017 by Mike Adams
We’ve got breaking news on bone broth product testing in the lab: Two brands of organic bone broth products we just finished testing at the Consumer Wellness Center (CWC) were both found to have none of the chemicals we detected in non-organic products tested earlier.
In other words, these organic bone broth products were found to be clear of over 40,000 chemicals covered in our mass spec lab tests. This testing was just completed on:
As you may recall, we tested the non-organic version of both brands over a week ago and found trace signatures of different chemicals which might be expected in non-organic products derived from animals. But now, we’ve confirmed that these organic brands are qualitatively superior because they lack the chemicals found in conventional formulas.
All the testing, by the way, was conducted via HPLC-MS-TOF instrumentation using AOAC methods in an ISO-accredited laboratory, CWC Labs. We used a C18 column and a 2 ul injection volume, following a typical pesticide extraction method based on acetonitrile. A full chart of results will be released in about a week, including a numerical score for these organic products that highlights the clean test results and organic certification.
This finding is excellent news for consumers, as it makes clear there is a very real advantage to buying organic bone broth vs. non-organic. As you might recall, we found the following types of trace chemicals in various non-organic bone broth products:
Yet none of these appeared in the organic brands we tested, as listed above.
This testing confirms yet again that “organic” truly means something: It’s a superior product not only because of what it contains, but also because of what it doesn’t contain, even when subjected to intense laboratory scrutiny.
I have never recommended commercial bone broth products before, but based on these tests, I can confidently say right now that if you choose to consume bone broth products that buy off the shelf, buy organic!
This article, by the way, is just a quick brief to give you a heads up on our findings. We have lots more details coming, including a handy reference chart on lab test results for these products. We will also be testing many other off-the-shelf products in the weeks ahead, comparing organic vs. non-organic and highlighting the differences we see in the lab.
Future tests will include dog food, gluten-free snacks, milk replacement products (such as almond milk) and much more. Stay informed by subscribing to Good Gopher Mail, where these results will appear first via email inbox delivery.
Tagged Under: Tags: Ancient Nutrition, Bone Broth, CWC, lab results, Lab Testing, Left Coast, organic products, organics, pesticides, USDA Organic